Tweak Daddy

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Yahoo 360 Getting Closed | Opera Dives in For Help

Yahoo 360 is getting closed due to unknown reasons. But, don't worry there is always a way out. Here My Opera comes to the rescue.

Opera's official site has a blogging community where you can host your blog for free. You can upload images upto 1 GB for free. This is a feature that most of the people don't know. So, in order to increase the popularity of it's hosting platform, it has made a step to import the Yahoo 360 blogs in it's blogging platform. Here is the link for the tool:

You can also find more info about how to import your blog in the above said link. It states like this:
"So far we've imported 1000 blogs and have more than 100 requests in queue, waiting to be processed. The amount of weekly blog posts has increased by 20%. Some new bloggers from Yahoo! 360° have already customized their blog with colourful and creative skins."

So, that's it. The problem solved for Yahoo 360 bloggers.


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