Tweak Daddy

The Alpha and Zeta of Computing, Internet and Technology

Watch Your Visitors LIve and Online Using populatetheweb

Blogs with high traffics put their web traffic stats on their blog to boast about their blogs infront of other visitors. They show the recent visitor name and photo or just the list of their places. Here is a tool that will help these boasters to get more advantage of their traffic. offers the bloggers a tool that helps them to show-off their traffic in a more innovative way. The tool is called "webbymap". This provides a map in which the it shows the locations of the visits the second they enter into your site. This uses what is called Geo- technology. You have complete power to change whatever options or preferences you like. For example, if you don't want sounds, then you can disable sounds and also the markings of the visitors location can be changed. This is a free widget, which you can add into your site.
Note:This is free because it's a basic version and it shows a small ad beside the map. However, to get higher version you have to pay a certain amount.


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