Tweak Daddy

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Check All Places On Web That Has Your Site's Link With Google | A Google Tweak

Web is an unimaginably great space which you can't even imagine. It grows so rapidly that once you enter a name on the web you cannot delete it again. So, news spreads so rapidly that the name you entered would have circled this whole globe in 1 to 2 hours. If a name could spread so fast then what about a blog or a website. It would have grown so large that you can't imagine it.

So, how to search for the links that are placed on the web in millions of places?? Here is the way.

We all know that Google is the only search king that has the most powerful searching capacity. Then let's use Google for our work. Let's say you have a website named "".You would type the keyword as "" or "". This would give you either the links that are named only as "" in the first case or "" in the second case. Google actually takes these two URLs i.e., "" and "" as two different URLs. So in order to access both the URLs here is a simple tweak I found with Google. Instead of typing either as "" or "" you could type in as "*". This would tell the Google to search both the domain names. Here asterisk (*) acts as a wildcard in searching for the domain name.

Maybe you don't find a lot of difference with this tweak but I surely say that there are subtle differences to the search you make.
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